The Anatomy of Lead Generation for Travel Tech Companies

The Anatomy of Lead Generation for Travel Tech Companies

There is a shift going on in the business world led by digital media. The world of business travel is also changing and lead generation can seem overwhelming here. But, once you understand marketing and how to generate leads, you can pretty much control any niche. What Is Your Lead Generation Strategy as a Business Travel Agency? Is it word of mouth? Are you sitting and waiting for new leads to c...[More]
7 Ways You Can Transform Your Travel-tech Email Marketing Campaigns

7 Ways You Can Transform Your Travel-tech Email Marketing Campaigns

The multi-billion travel-tech industry is not only alive and well, it is thriving. According to Statista, 1.2 million people traveled internationally around the world generating global revenue of U.S $1.26 million. The future seems even more promising as millennials love to travel and comprise the traveling population more than Baby Boomers and Gen Xers combined. Appeal to the current generation...[More]
6 Things Keeping You Away from Generating Travel-tech Qualified Leads

6 Things Keeping You Away from Generating Travel-tech Qualified Leads

The most prevalent question in the travel tech industry for marketers is “How do you get quality leads?” A business cannot survive without a constant inflow of leads. According to Statista, business travel makes a total global economic contribution of 1.23 trillion U.S. dollars. There is huge scope and potential for marketers, especially with the upcoming wave of artificial intelligenc...[More]
Do’s and Don’ts for Successful Multichannel Travel Tech Advertising

Do’s and Don’ts for Successful Multichannel Travel Tech Advertising

Travel business is flourishing. According to a research from Deloitte, the travel industry's growth has skyrocketed over the last ten years. However, a thriving industry like this still presents a problem for business travel management companies. Problem? We live in a world where travel is easier than it has ever been. From online travel agencies to metasearch engines and the travel agents down th...[More]
How Technology Is Revolutionizing the Travel Industry

How Technology Is Revolutionizing The Travel Industry

Technology is revolutionizing? It has already revolutionized. We are heading into 2020 and technology is all around us. Check your pocket, you might have one or two, it might even be how you are reading this blog! This is the world of technological advancement that has already revolutionized the way we do business and travel is no exception. Technology has fundamentally changed the way business is...[More]
The Future of Technology in the Travel Industry

The Future Of Technology In The Travel Industry

So far the impact of technological breakthrough has been so prevalent in our lives that we hardly bat an eyelid at the prospect of new possibilities. These same developments have made way into the traveling industry, shaping the way we travel and promising an even more exciting experience in the years to come. Especially for the world of business travel, this has proved to be extremely crucial. Mo...[More]
5 Reasons Why Display Advertising Is as Important as Email Marketing in Travel Tech

5 Reasons Why Display Advertising Is As Important As Email Marketing In Travel Tech

Travel industry is booming and marketing is playing a crucial role in the development of this industry. Advertisements have been the backbone and an integral part of this industry. Whether its B2B or B2C, advertisements have been effective in reaching larger audiences leveraging new digital technologies and travel management tools. This includes various digital marketing techniques and tools like ...[More]