Monthly Hours
Initial Investment
No. of social media networks
Number of ad copies
Number of advertising campaigns/target audience
Social media remarketing campaign & ad
Monthly advertising targeting & ad copy tweaks
Installation of network tracking pixels on website
Dedicated social media advertising account manager
Custom Audiences using social pixels or customer lists
Keyword, interest, user intent targeting
School/Profession/Workplace targeting
Company size, industry, job title, etc. targeting
Device targeting
Demographic targeting
Installation of network tracking pixels on website
Ongoing ad account management
Ongoing account monitoring of social ad comments and engagement
Ongoing creative analysis and optimization (pausing ads, minor tweaks, small changes)
Ongoing optimization of overall account strategy and approach
Creative development and optimization (as needed)
48 business hour response time
Up to 1 personal social media consultations per month
Standard monthly reporting & analysis
Ad account setup & optimization
Weekly call or campaign status update (optional)
Ongoing monthly campaign investment
Required ad spend range